Thursday, July 5, 2012

Review: Everneath

Everneath by Brodi Ashton
(Everneath #1)

Harper Collins / Balzer + Bray, 370 pages

In the dark, dank world of the Tunnels, I would call upon this memory. And there would be a flicker of candlelight. If only for a moment. I closed my eyes, as if my eyelids were the levers of a printing press, etching the fibers into my mind. Memories were outside Cole’s reach. As long as I held them, memories were mine and mine alone.

Last spring, Nikki Beckett vanished, sucked into an underworld known as the Everneath, where immortals Feed on the emotions of despairing humans. Now she’s returned—to her old life, her family, her friends—before being banished back to the underworld... this time forever.

First of all, Everneath was a fantastic read. The pace was just right and the going back and forth between the two timelines (before the Everneath, after the Everneath) build up enough tension to make me wanna scream and skip ahead. But I paced myself. Deeeeep breaths, deeeep breaths. Slow and steady wins the race. The world was build upon our own and all the details needed where given. Slowly we learned more about the Everneath and Everliving, but also about the Mark Nikki recieved when she left the Everneath. But the world wasn’t what made this book good (though that’s of course important!) – the characters were. Even though Nikki didn’t feel anything at the beginning, she slowly gained her feelings back and the angst that manifestet in myself reading about her apathy became less and less. It was like some kind of scale that was tipped between me and her. The balance never tipped towards her being overly emotional in situations that didn’t call for it. Though overally I felt a bit angsty. There where some moments between Cole and Nikki I felt where too much. I get he’s either totally in love with her or holds another kind of emotion that he can feel as strongly. Maybe it’s ambition? But I’d say it’s the bad kind of love. He wasn’t even the real bad guy in this story! He was the knife wielded by the bad guy – Nikki. Because, face it girl, you reap what you sow. Her boyfriend Jack was (luckily) no jock stereotype, phew, but he felt more like a silent poet/prince charming mix to me (not that he ever recited any poems). The one who knows thy heart. Or something. He was all nice and a little brawl didn’t make him feel less kngiht-in-shining-armor. I’d loved to see his side of the story, from when she was away. Not just a few sentenced talked about, but a real view into his mind. I’m looking forward to Book 2!

Rating ★★★★☆


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